MagTIP calculates the TIP (Time of Increased Probability) of earthquakes basing on the geomagnetic records of Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan. The algorithm allows for the optimization of the model parameters, and gives the overall TIP (named joint-station TIP). The probability of capturing a target event in space and time can be derived based on the joint-station TIP, by considering the results from a large set of randomly permuted of model parameters simultaneously.
In the traditional TIP forecasting, the type and the number of input data have to be uniquely formatted otherwise re-training according to the new format is required. As a result, either the conversion for fitting new data to old format (where some information must lose), or an extra waiting period (e.g. 7 years) for re-training models with new data, is required. The time scale of the evolution of the underground dynamical system is generally thought to be large, hence data collected from old stations are precious. For being able to fully utilizing both the data from the most modern instruments and older sensors, the project of this year aims for the multivariate MagTIP forecasting system.
The newest multivariate MagTIP forecasting system not only supports three-component and one-component geomagnetic signals simultaneously, but also allows additional earthquake-relevant time series to be involved in calculating TIP.
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MATLAB Version: (R2021b) Update 1 Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 企業版 Version 10.0 (Build 19044) Java Version: Java 1.8.0_202-b08 with Oracle Corporation Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM mixed mode
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Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox Version 12.2 (R2021b)
The main functions of MagTIP take directories that contains necessary files as input arguments, and all output variables are saved in another directory as “.mat” files.
In this document, the input/output variable that contains the information of the path to a directory (i.e., a folder) is prefixed by dir_
; for example, dir_data
is the directory for the formatted geomagnetic data, and dir_stat
is the directory for statistic indices.
The dir_
-prefixed variables are each a sequence of characters being something like 'D:\MagTIP-2022\output_var\StatisticIndex'
There is a script “demo/demo_script.m” contains the sample codes of the whole process; you can easily make everything set and go through the entire MagTIP procedures following the steps below:
In the beginning (the first three sections), you will see several pop-out windows for selecting the directory of geomagnetic data (dir_data
) and loading the toolbox (dir_toolbox
Select the right folders as instructed, and they will be automatically added to path and be ready to use.
Assigning directories for input/output data or variables is necessary before running any application. For example:
dir_catalog = 'data\spreadsheet';
% directory of event catalog & station location
dir_data = 'data\geomag_1';
% directory of geomagnetic timeseries
dir_stat = 'output_var\StatisticIndex';
% directory of statistic indices
dir_tsAIN = 'output_var\tsAIN';
% directory for storing anomaly index number (AIN)
dir_molchan = 'output_var\Molchan';
% directory for storing Molchan scores
dir_jointstation = 'output_var\JointStation';
% directory for the time series of EQK, TIP and probability
This can be done alternatively using mkdir_default()
to create the set of empty folders with each folder name never repeats.
That is, the code chunk above is equivalent to
dir_catalog = 'data\spreadsheet';
dir_data = 'data\geomag_1';
[dir_stat, dir_tsAIN, dir_molchan, dir_jointstation] = mkdir_default('output_var')
Here is an overview of this default directory structure:
You can create this directory structure manually by adding new folders using your OS’s interface.
You can also assign the dir_
-prefixed variables by using dirselectassign(...)
, where windows pop out for selecting existing directory.
For more information, see “demo_script.m” and “dirselectassign.m”.
must contain catalog.csv
and station_location.csv
, with the first row (column names) being ‘code’, ‘format’, ‘Lon’, ‘Lat’ for station_location.csv
, and ’time’, ‘Lon’, ‘Lat’, ‘Depth’, and ‘Mag’ for catalog.csv
should be converted to the standard format. For more information, see conv_geomagdata
.The station_location.csv
specifies the location of every station;
here is an example for station_location.csv
code | format | Lon | Lat |
MS | 馬仕 | 120.633 | 22.61089 |
TW | 灣丘 | 120.5286 | 23.18502 |
… | … | … | … |
XC | 新城 | 121.6095 | 24.0383 |
SM | 日月潭 | 120.9076 | 23.881 |
The catalog.csv
is the catalog covering at least the entire range of all training phases;
here is an example for catalog.csv
time | Lon | Lat | Depth | Mag |
2020/8/10 06:41 | 121.59 | 23.81 | 29.86 | 3.41 |
2020/8/10 06:29 | 120.57 | 22.18 | 43.54 | 3.02 |
2020/8/10 06:14 | 121.7 | 22.17 | 124.78 | 4.13 |
… | … | … | … | … |
Also see checkstation.m and checkcatalog.m.
All records should be converted/transformed into the formatted matfiles.
The formatted file name is generated via standarddataname
, where
[fname] = standarddataname(stnm, dtstr, type_j)
returns the file name of the standard data format. For example, standarddataname('HUAL', '20120202', 'GEMS0')
returns stn[HUAL]dt[20120202]type[GEMS0].mat
The formatted matfile should contain only 1 field where the field name can be arbitrarily chosen. Saying the field to be M
, M
has to be a matrix where the column indices to time and data are assigned by function fmt.colindex2data
depending on the type of the data. See Library/Format for more information.
All original files of geomagnetic timeseries have to be converted to the new format before any function that takes dir_data
as an input argument.
You can convert the data by simply applying:
conv_geomagdata(dir_originalfiles, dir_data)
In which,
takes two required input argument. The first is the directory of original files, and the second is the output folder for the new files.'ContinueFromLast'
and 'FilterByDatetime'
to avoid repeatedly converting the files that have already been converted before.After all data are prepared (those in dir_data
and dir_spreadsheet
), you can run the whole forecasting process simply with:
statind(dir_data,dir_stat); % For multi-threading, use statind_parfor(...)
molscore(dir_tsAIN,dir_catalog,dir_molchan); % For multi-threading, use molscore_parfor(...)
molscore3(dir_tsAIN,dir_molchan,dir_catalog,dir_jointstation); %For multi-threading, use molscore3_parfor(...)
In which, statind
calculates specific statistical quantities of each day; anomalyind
calculates anomaly index according to different $A_\text{thr}$ threshold; molscore
gives optimized models; and molscore3
use optimized models to calculate probability forecasts.
There are several tools provided for visualizing the result. For detailed information about these tools, please refer to the Library/Tools/Plotting.
There is also a script “demo/demo_visualization.m”; you can easily obtain plots of the results following the steps below:
visualizes the probability of the calculated results (which is stored in dir_jointstation
in default), with options for whether to plot epicenters of target events (目標地震) and for specifying the date time to plot, as an example:
dir_prob = fullfile(dir_jointstation,'png','prob');
dates2plot = [datetime(2020,3,1):calmonths(6):datetime(2021,3,1)];
In this figure, the triangle denotes the location of station; circle(s) around each station denote the maximum and minimum range of detection ($R_C$) of the models that are responsible for calculating the TIPs; the filled color of the triangle denotes the ratio of valid models of the day; and hollow triangle denotes the station that cannot provide TIP for the day.
provides the 1-dimensional match diagram of a specific model.
dir_png = fullfile(dir_molchan,'png','EQKTIP');
In this figure, the match diagram of EQK and TIP defined by the model of first rank is demonstrated. The intervals of black color denotes the days where there is no data in $T_\text{obs}$ at all (i.e. this model is invalid at these time) and hence TIP cannot be calculated.