
  • Use .gitignore to exclude files from git tracking
    • for example, in a new line of the .gitignore file,
      • add *.png to exclude all files suffixed by .png
      • add temp/ to exclude all files under the folder named temp that is exactly under the same directory as the .gitignore
      • add **/temp/ to exclude all files and folders in any folder named temp
      • add **/data/*.mat to exclude any .mat files in all folders named data (.mat files under the subfolders of data will NOT be excluded)
      • add **/data/**/*.mat to exclude any .mat files under all folders named data (.mat files under the subfolders of data will also be excluded)
  • Develop on a branch other than master or main
  • Don’t commit many unrelated changes at once, split them into multiple commits so that the changes in each commit are related. In this way, the commit message can more accurately describe the change.
Last modified October 27, 2021: Migrate to hugo/docsy (0f7c430)